Turned On

Unlock your divine femininity, discover your authentic sensual self, and unleash your true power.

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You know that woman who walks in the room and draws all eyes towards her with her aura? 

That woman is YOU.

Your aura is bright when you know who you are and aren’t afraid to be it and let others see it. 

But to do that you need to know who you are and how to be present with yourself. 

And that's what I'll help you uncover and express during this transformative 12-week virtual program.

What if all you had to do to attract everything you’ve ever wanted is be MORE of who you already are?

As women we’ve been taught that in order to be taken seriously and be successful we must embody the masculine, i.e. the values and behaviors that originate in the left part of our brains. 

We’ve learned rational-based decisions are better than those driven by somatic-based guidance, or what we call “gut feelings.”

That logic and assertiveness are superior to emotion and elegance. 

And that to attain what we want we must “make it happen” through force. 

In short, we have become disconnected from our femininity and authentic sensual selves.
And because of this we end up...  

➠ Copying what we think is sensual and sexy, never feeling truly comfortable or at home in our bodies because we don’t know who our inner seductress is and what she likes


➠ Making decisions to please other people, never taking ourselves into consideration, and always feeling like we don’t quite measure up. 


âž  Unsure of our capabilities and undeserving of our desires, lonely and isolated, longing for deep connection and self-expression.

That's why I created Turned On, a 12-week, online, small-group coaching program that will guide you in reconnecting with your divine femininity so you can discover who you are, feel every aspect of yourself fully in your body, and be unapologetically you!

Unlock Your True Self
For 12-weeks I'll guide you through...
»  Meeting your inner seductress and expressing her authentically
Who is the alluring, sensual, turned on being in you? What does she like and dislike? What makes her feel alive? What makes her feel safe? And how can you create a supportive and loving environment for her to be fully expressed without judgment or shame? Well, you’re about to meet her and learn how to express her fully and openly. 

» Getting Into Your Body
I used to be in love with psychology and thought if I brought everything into awareness I could fix all my toxic patterns and embrace all aspects of myself. But even after years of practicing awareness, certain patterns persisted. That’s when I learned the importance of processing things through the body.
Embodiment isn’t just a word, it's a powerful tool.
When you can feel things in the body they become very real very fast. You witness them. You feel them. You are them. 

I find many coaches talk about embodiment but don’t actually teach you how to do it. This is where my 25 year dance career kicks in and I look forward to imparting all my knowledge to you and teaching you what true embodiment really feels like.

» Being more attractive by being YOU. 
We are often told that we must do certain things or move in a specific way to be sexy or alluring. But the truth is, we all have a unique, beautiful sensuality within us that when expressed, makes us incredibly attractive and seductive. I will show you all the different ways you can use the different parts of your body to get in touch with this distinctive sensual side of yourself, and release any subconscious judgment you may be carrying towards her.

» Reclaiming your power in the Art of Being a Woman
Wouldn’t it be amazing to savor being a woman? To find joy in picking out your outfit and doing your makeup? To relish your skincare routine instead of rushing through it as quickly as possible? During the program, I'll show you how to reconnect with these activities from a place of power and turn getting ready from a burden into a beautiful ritual that supports yourself and your desires.

Ready to be loved as your unapologetic self?

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The Program Curriculum

Week 1: Getting Into Our Body
We start by diving into polarity and deepening our understanding of feminine and masculine energy. You’ll explore what each energy looks and feels like in your body and learn a powerful practice to help you call on each energy whenever you want and need it.
Week 2: Discovering Sensuality
Get ready to expand your definition of sensuality because being sensual is so much more than what we’ve been taught! This week you’ll discover how to fully experience all of your senses and experience how this deeper connection and expression will unlock new parts of yourself and your womanhood.
Week 3: Awakening the Sacred Womb
As women we hold so much power and sensual energy in our womb and hips, but most of us are walking around fully closed off from this sacred source. This week focuses on how to open up this physical energy center so we can call on our creative energy, experience more pleasure, and enjoy our physical selves whenever we want.
Week 4: Embodying the Art of Receiving
This week focuses on cultivating full-body awareness and getting comfortable with receiving instead of doing, achieving, or fixing. We’ll practice moving softly and fluidly, and embracing our beautiful curves and delectable bodies. I’ll also share a powerful movement meditation practice with you so you can tap into this flow state on your own.
Week 5: Activating & Aligning Chakras Through Dance
Get ready to learn about the seven chakras in your body and activate and align them through dance. These powerful centers hold invisible life force energy that keeps us vibrant, healthy and in flow. It’s important to keep them open and unblocked so career opportunities, relationships, and good health can flow to us.
Week 6: Accepting Our Shadow
This week we begin our plunge into our pasts to unlock our futures, moving with compassion, forgiveness, and deep self-love. I will teach you how to identify and feel each and every kind of emotion in your body (even the more difficult ones), and then show you how to release them, so you can integrate your shadow self and move into a new way of being.
Week 7: Unlocking Our Futures
We begin with some inner child work and a dance-based practice to help you heal core wounds and open yourself––and your heart––to new possibilities. We’ll also spend time identifying, solidifying, and embodying all that we love about ourselves so we can begin to create the futures of our dreams.
Week 8: Finding Self-Connection
Before we can truly connect with another person, we must first fully connect with ourselves. This week is all about establishing that deep connection with yourself. Prepare to embrace her, love her, and know her capacity, for she possesses a power that is greater than you have ever imagined.
Week 9: The Art of Being a Woman
This week is all about embracing the art of dressing up and creating small, daily rituals that help us actually enjoy being the beautiful, powerful, feminine beings that we are. I’ll teach you everything you need to know about hair, makeup, style, and fashion––and help you see the power in enjoying each of these activities. We’ll create personal rituals that help you feel the woman you are inside and outside of you using your space and outer appearance. We’ll also get to know the energy of historic goddess archetypes to help us embody the divine.
Week 10: Dancing With an Open Heart
It’s time to put everything you’ve been learning all together and present the new woman you’ve discovered to the group. In preparation for your Queen Coronation, we will cover how to manage anxiety and nerves, authentic expression and performance, body language, and presentation skills.
Week 11: Presenting Who You Are 
This week you will receive one-on-one coaching and support in preparing for your presentation. You will have an opportunity to go over everything you learned personally with Anya. Address any questions you may have and be privately prepared for your Coronation Ceremony You will also receive a personal tarot or Oracle reading, if desired.
Week 12: Stepping Into Your Full Self
Our journey together concludes with a celebration of the woman you’ve become and a commitment to continue expressing her on your own. You will create a Queen Image––the vision you have for your life as the Queen that you are-–before calling upon the sacred energy of the group to support you in honoring and manifesting your vision during a final ceremony.

In this ceremony you will present your Queen Self to the group and integrate all that it means to be her in the world. You may even choose to bring her into the world in a new way, like through an intimate boudoir photoshoot or video, which I will help you prepare for.

Let's Get Started

Register now and start transforming today.

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“After just a few sessions with Anya I started feeling way more connected to my body and honestly, very sexy and powerful. She is very direct, intuitive - yet compassionate. She can see situations from all angles and guide you to the truth. Not to mention, whether she’s delivering hard truths or exciting things to explore, it’s all sexy :) 

I feel very held by her energy, she has such a wide range from embodiment to healing modalities to help guide a woman back to her powerful, sensual energy. 

I’m loving working with her, highly recommend!"

–– Meg Markey, Intuitive Biz Coach & Artist

"Working with Anya has been a beautiful process. She’s helped me activate my sensuality, become more comfortable in my body and enjoy my feminine energy. 
Our sessions have become a powerful space where I can listen to my body, go deeper into myself and emerge a little bit more secure in who I am.

Interestingly, as I worked with Anya I started to notice and attract more of the opportunities, people and abundance I was seeking. It’s been a wonderful experience."

- Etinosa | New York City

What's Included

»  12 weeks of virtual on-demand coaching
All sessions are pre-recorded and available for you to watch whenever is more convenient for you. Assigned exercises and practices help you apply everything you are learning during the program out in the real world, giving you ample time to play, explore, and ask clarifying questions. 

» A private, 60-minute private energetic reading
This one-on-one session will help you understand how your unique sensual energy shows up for you and desires to be expressed. During this one-on-one session we will also address any blocks that may be getting in the way of your fullest, sensual expression and share tools to help you clear them. 

» Support and personal feedback in-between group coachings
via a private Facebook group where you can ask questions, share your experience, and request individualized feedback on your videos and homework assignments.

At the end of the program, you will walk away with 30+ robust tools and practices to allow you to express your authentic sensual energy physically, emotionally, and spiritually in all areas of your life.

You will also have a new
 community of women around the world supporting you in stepping into your fullest expression of femininity and divinity.


Meet Your Coach & Mentor, Anya Katsevman

Welcome! My name is Anya Kastevman. I'm a two-time world Salsa champion and internationally acclaimed artist, choreographer, coach, performance enhancer, and intuitive channel.  

I've dedicated my life to using all that I've learned to help others discover their power. My individual coaching, group workshops, and online programs are rooted in anatomy, physiology, intuitive healing, and embodiment principles. They also incorporate everything I've learned from my own artistic journey, my journey of healing my body from serious health issues, and coaching 15+ world champion dancers.

I created Turned On to guide you in discovering and expressing your true, authentic feminine self, for in her I know you will find everything you've been looking for and unlock your greatest future.